use decrease in a sentence as noun

A concrete noun is something that is perceived by the senses; something that is physical or real.Doorbell and keyboard are real things that can be sensed.Conversely, an abstract noun is something that cannot be perceived by the senses. decrease example sentences. {{#verifyErrors}}

Grammar WORK: noun- I have a lot of "work" to do today. There has been a sharp decrease in pollution sin Husband and wife are nouns used as object complements in this sentence. their provisions The article "a" will also function in that position for the same purpose. The number of looms increased steadily, but the output per loom showed partially a distinct The system of representation that, with the rapid growth of population in the north-east sections, especially in the city of Baltimore, placed the government in the hands of a decreasing minority also began to be attacked about this time; but the fear of that minority which represented the tobacco-raising and slave-holding counties of south Maryland, with respect to the attitude of the majority toward slavery prevented any changes until 1837, when the opposition awakened by the enthusiasm over internal improvements effected the adoption of amendments which provided for the election of the governor and senators by a direct vote of the people, a slight increase in the representation of the city of Baltimore and the larger counties, and a slight Compared with the census of 1901 the figures of 1906 showed a But the competition of cheaper labour in other countries reduced the profits on this plant and the product of 1899 was a The funded debt of the state amounted to four and one-half millions of dollars in 1850, when the new constitution limited the power of the legislature to contract further obligations or to Of weights there are scarce any dated, excepting coins, which nearly all Roughly dividing the Roman weights, there appears a According to an official report issued early in 1909 there had been a heavy The number of factories reported for 1899 was 743, but as the consumption of leaf, tobacco increased from 5,546,677 to 8,587,356 kilogrammes, it may be assumed that the With the exception of dairy cows and horses there was likewise a corresponding Although the crop of orchard fruits was no greater in 1899 than in 1889 the Number of apple trees increased during the decade from 1,744,779 to 2,034,398, the number of peach trees from 19,057 to 48,819 and the number of plum trees from 10,151 to 18,137; in the number of pear trees and of cherry trees there was a slight The take of 1898 consisted chiefly of cod, haddock, lobsters, mackerel, alewives, pollock and hake, but was valued at only $48,987, which was a Factorymade boots and shoes increased in value from $11,986,003 in 1890 to $23,405,558 in 1900, or 95.3%, the industry ranking first in 1900; but in 1905 there was a The manufacture of lumber and timber products, one of the oldest industries of the state, ranked fifth in 1905; these products had increased in value from $5,641,445 in 1890 to $9,218,310 in 1900, or 63.4%, but According to the official statement, the gold debt, which runs chiefly at 4% and is held in Germany and England, amounted to £1,987,905 on the 1st of January 1905; the currency debt (note issues, internal loans, &c.) amounted to £704,730; total £2,692,635, a When the central uplands are followed south-east or south to the coast, their altitude and their relief over the valleys gradually The uplands are here and there surmounted by residual monadnocks in the form of low domes and knobs; these increase in height and number towards the mountain belt, and the border of the plateau on the south-east is an abrupt escarpment, eroded where the folded structure of the mountain belt reveals a series of weaker strata; but in the north-west the plateau suffers only a gradual It is of greater altitude (Mt Marcy 5344 ft.) and of much greater relief than the Superior Oldland; its heights in area, enclosed by bluffs one or two hundred feet high in the northern part, generally decreasing to the southward, but with local increase of height associated with a The load of silt borne down stream by the river finally, after many halts on the way, reaches the waters of the Gulf, where the Then turning more to the north-west through Wyoming, the ranges Within the area of 1790 there were twice as many families in 1900 as in 1790 consisting of 2 persons, and barely half as many consisting of 7 and upward; New England having shown the greatest and the South the least On the other hand the great increase of imports of class III., and the great In the time of Strabo the Greek cities on the coast had fallen into insignificance, and owing to the The selection of one day in the year for all elections held in that year has resulted in a considerable It may now be safely affirmed that in the majority of states the elections are honestly conducted; that intimidation, bribery, stuffing of the ballot boxes or other forms of corruption, when they exist, are owing in large measure to temporary or local causes; and that the tendency of recent years has been towards a When a variable quantity is at a minimum a slight change in the system does not affect its value, and therefore, when a solution is saturated, the increase in the available energy of the liquid phase produced by dissolving in it some of the solid must be equal to the From this and other evidence it has been shown that the first thin shower in open vessels is produced by the accidental presence of tiny crystals obtained from the dust of the air, while the second dense shower marks the point of spontaneous crystallization, where the In other words, the artificial temperature should increase by day and Before that time the chief industry had been wire-drawing, but this trade began to Eastward and westward of Amsterdam, as well as southward, the Pliocene beds rise slowly to the surface, and gradually The first of the United States decennial censuses to show a Next let us imagine that, in a series of cast irons all containing 4% of carbon, the graphite of the initial skeleton changes gradually into cementite and thereby becomes part of the matrix, a change which of course has two aspects, first, a gradual thinning of the graphite skeleton and a Second, though the brittleness should be lessened somewhat by the With further transfer of the carbon from the graphitic to the combined state, the matrix itself grows weaker (EF); but this weakening is offset in a measure by the continuing This diversion may be unwelcome, but it is inevitable for the two simple reasons that the wonderful improvements in agriculture The supply of some of the most valuable, such as sable, silver and natural black fox, sea otter and ermine, which are all taken from animals of a more or less shy nature, does very gradually Statistics of recent years show a slight increase in legitimate and a slight These symptoms with more or less gastro-intestinal irritation and m., and the population in 1901 was 1,555,024, showing a This emigration accounts in large measure for the slow increase of the population, though there has also been a slight Of this large total 5,3 6 5,544 tons are imports and only 799,319 tons are exports, and, comparing 1906 with 1905, we have a (7) Hungary to be entitled to redeem her share of the old Austrian debt (originally bearing interest at 5 and now at 4.2%) at the rate of 4.3 2 5% within the next ten years; if not redeemed within ten years the rate of capitalization to From the few observations that exist, it seems that farther south the southern winter winds In 1905 the total value of Allegheny's factory products was $45,830,272; this showed an apparent It is diminishing in Thessaly; it has entirely dis appeared in the rest of Greece, almost entirely in Servia; and it continues to In the northern, north-western and southern divisions the population declined during the decade, the fifteen counties thus affected being, in the order of Doubts have been thrown on the current statements regarding the rate of But when full allowance is made for all such exaggerations, the following facts will show that the During the last two decades of the 19th century the When men hinted at a rivalry between them, John plainly declared " He must increase, and I must Close in-breeding without the infusion of new blood is probably the cause of the In 1901 the population of Dholpur was 270,973, showing a Having reached so far as to perceive that the central force of the solar system must In the interior, above 3300 ft., the temperature and rainfall, together with malaria, If the uniform distribution extends indefinitely, or as far as the telescope can penetrate, the star-ratio should have the theoretical value 3.98, 1 any de Bordeaux (1890); a suggestive monograph on the reforms of Augustus in relation to the This last burden grew heavier as time went on; 5000 Spartiates and s000 perioec hoplites fought at Plataea in 479 B.C., but the steady In this case diminished prolificity where unaccompanied by a The low rates in Ireland, Holland and England are especially noticeable, and in the last named, the If, however, they undergo marked improvement, the duration of life is extended and both birth and death-rates, being spread over a wider field of the living, tend to Silver-mining ceased to be highly remunerative beginning with the closing of the India mints and repeal of the Sherman Law in 1893; since 1900 the yield has shown an extraordinary The total population of the Central India agency in 1901 was 8,628,781, showing a These figures prove a steady upward tendency, but the increase itself is confined entirely to the industrial districts of the Principality, and in a special degree to Glamorganshire; while the agricultural counties, such as Pembroke, Merioneth, Cardigan or Montgomery, present a continuous though slight In the above expression R, it and L are constant, therefore as d increases the term (R - r) must Amongst native-born Assamese during the decade there was a serious The census returns of 1875 and 1866 gave respectively 2,068,447 and 2,084,943, showing an actual While the prices in krans of agricultural produce, and hence the profits of the landowners and the wages and profits of artisans and tradesmen, were in1907-1908more than double what they were in 1876, the maliat, the backbone of the revenue, has hardly increased at all, being 50,000,000 krans (~1,ooo,ooo) against 43,200,000 krans (~1,6oo,ooo) in 1876, and showing a The heights of peaks determined by exact processes of trigonometrical observation are bound to be more or less in error for three reasons: (1) the extraordinary geoidal deformation of the level surface at the observing stations in submontane regions; (2) ignorance of the laws of refraction when rays traverse rarefied air in snow-covered regions; (3) ignorance of the variations in the actual height of peaks due to the increase, or Passing to the westward, and viewing the flora of Kumaon, which province holds a central position on the chain, on the 80th meridian, we find that the gradual The success of the exclusion laws is seen (though this is not the sole cause) in the the modern "indestructibility of matter" and "conservation of energy"), although the compounds of the atoms are liable to increase and As regards matters of state the reign of Vladislav is marked by a The mining of coal began in Jackson county in 1835 and there was a slow increase in the output until 1882 (135,339 short tons); then there was a tendency to 1 During the same period, however, the value of the products of the lumber and timber industry, which in 1870, 1880 and 1890 was greater than that of any other state, and in 1900 was still more than twice as great as that of the products of any other manufacturing industry in the state and was exceeded only by that of the product of Wisconsin, m., and its population in 1901 was 735,435, showing a There can be no doubt that the use of the drug is opposed by all thinking Chinese who are not pecuniarily interested in the opium trade or cultivation, for several reasons, among which may be mentioned the drain of bullion from the country, the Until 1901 New Jersey's fisheries were more important than those of any other state in the Middle or South Atlantic groups; but after that date, owing to a During the period 1891-1901 five English and five Welsh counties showed a The English counties were: The Welsh counties were Montgomeryshire, Cardiganshire, Flintshire, Merionethshire and Brecknockshire, the first-named showing Urban and the highest It is lowest, naturally, in the mining districts, as Glamorgan, Monmouth, Durham, Northumberland; but an exception may be noted in the case of Cornwall, where a high proportion of females is attributed to the emigration of miners consequent upon the relative The proportion of married adults (aged twenty and upwards) was found to The number of persons engaged in agriculture in England and Wales was found by the census of 1901 to be 1,192,167; the total showing a steady Under the American regime seal fishing off the Aleutians save by the natives has never been legal, but the depletion of the Pribilof herd, the almost complete extinction of the sea otter, and the rapid The method is thus that of selecting as the standard the most numerous group, on both sides of which the groups As we proceed southwards from the northern United States, deer of the white-tailed type In 1902 the state ranked third in the value of its gold and silver production, $8,500,904; in 1908 it ranked sixth in gold, $3,94 6, 7 00 (a From analyses of the leaves, bark and root, it appears that quinine is present only in small quantities in the leaves, in larger quantity in the stem bark, and increasing in proportion as it approaches the root, where quinine appears to They have maintained their stock untainted, and have withstood the influence of the white man to a remarkable degree (for example, they use no spirituous or fermented drink), though they have suffered a serious An approximate equivalent would be: imports £3,011,000, exports £2,637,000; which shows a small increase in the first and a very large By race the proportion is:-whites, 82.16 females to every 100 males (a If, on the other hand, water is suddenly drawn off from a cistern supplied through a ball-cock, the flow through the ball-cock will be recorded, and will be represented by a sudden rise to a maximum, followed by a gradual m., and had in 1901 a population of 89,599, showing a A board of estimate, composed of the mayor, the city solicitor, the comptroller, the president of the second branch of the city council, and the president of the board of public improvements, has control over appropriations, the council having power to Halley only communicated to Newton the fact " that Hooke had some pretensions to the invention of the rule for the Between ten and eleven years ago there was an hypothesis of mine registered in your books, wherein I hinted a cause of gravity towards the earth, sun and planets, with the dependence of the celestial motions thereon; in which the proportion of the It is also important to note that if the increase or The growth in the preceding decade of the iron and steel industry, the products of which increased in value from $4,742,760 in 1890 to $19,338,481 in 1900 (307.7%), and of the manufacture of glass, the value of which increased from $2,995,409 in 1890 to $ 1 4,757, 88 3 in 1900 (392.7%), is directly attributable to the development of natural gas as fuel; the As the temperature is raised, the yield of gas from a given weight of coal increases; but with the increase of volume there is a marked Coal gas, being a mixture of gases and vapours of liquids having very varying boiling points, must necessarily undergo physical changes when the temperature is lowered Vapours of liquids of high boiling point will be condensed more quickly than those having lower boiling points, but condensation of each vapour will take place in a definite ratio with the The result is that from the time the gaseous mixture leaves the retort it begins to deposit condensation products owing to the Of the total population in 1900, 1,553,071, or 75.1%, were nativeborn, the increase in native-born since 1890 having been 32.3%, while there was a The number of human beings admits neither of increase nor of Towards the sea, the altitudes become gradually less, although not with a uniform At the same time the relative altitudes, or the heights of the mountain ranges above the valleys which flank them, External trade, owing to high protective tariffs, was mainly with Portugal; in the period of 1910-20 it was valued at from L3,500,- 000 to L4,500,000 yearly, with a tendency for exports to Subsequent epidemics have not been attended by anything like this mortality, but there has, however, been a steady A commission appointed in 1891 to inquire into the causes of the native But the census returns of 1851 showed a remarkable alteration - a This is further borne out by the percentages given in the above table, from which it will be seen that the greatest proportional The next largest class was the agricultural, which numbered 876,062, a In 1847 the number of acres under wheat was 743,871 and there has been a steady and practically continuous This increase of the pastoral lands, with the corresponding During recent years the amount of whisky produced has shown a tendency to - The number of persons who speak Irish only continues to But while from 1900 onwards imports had a tendency to The middle Niger, however, reaches its maximum near Timbuktu only in January; in February and March it sinks slowly above the narrows of Tosaye, and more rapidly below them, the level being kept up by supplies from backwaters and lakes; and by April there is a In this decade 35 counties out of 90 in the state showed a If the magnification be greater than the resolving power demands, the observation is not only needlessly made more difficult, but the entrance pupil is diminished, and with it a very considerable Although the factors which determine these phenomena are not clearly understood, it is believed that the appearance of the males is connected with the increasing cold of autumn and the growing scarcity of food, and that the birth of winged females is similarly associated with This change is most strikingly illustrated by the inrush of Angiosperms, in the equally marked Among the characteristics of this Miocene flora are the large number of families represented, the marked increase in the deciduous-leaved plants, the gradual The local Armenian historian, however, Matthew of Edessa, tells of oppression, 'A4)poSirn, the goddess of love) increase the action of the generative centre in the spinal cord; Anaphrodisiacs While effective they can cause depression, exacerbate asthma, blood testlts of these blood level tests have sometimes led doctors to increase or Expandable bookends £ 14.99 These handsome wooden bookends expand or chromic chloride was active in a multi-generation Drosophila study where it was observed to delay pupation and Since the renal clearance of imatinib is negligible, a The net result to the government coffers should be a small convergence of the algorithm is achieved through the monotonic county boroughs arranged in order of percentages of increase or Table 48a showing the county boroughs arranged in order of percentages of increase or Only the scenario group " block " reacts to the changes with a slight This also brings me to your closing comment about the '37 per cent Would offer association quot hypothesis percentage point If moral action is not efficacious in the production of moral good, then it may The coating can be customized to either increase or Water in the subpolar gyre cooled between the two 20-year periods due to the In general, in the UK temperate climate, soil humus levels increase or We have not incorporated these into our website as we believe that they are unnecessarily intrusive and mantissa part may cause data overflow, data underflow or The current historical phase has been a process of increasing materialism and a simultaneous metastasisexcess of 0.2 in the primary tumor showed a Strategies to reduce the number of poultry carrying foodborne pathogens could potentially For example trends related to teenage pregnancy are showing a dramatic Down the group, the metals get more reactive, and the melting points and boiling points The group's international sales remained stagnant compared to last year's 5 percent They improve consistency and cooking tolerance and But its population (about 60,000 in 1850) tends to On the Sonnblick, Conrad (22) found a± increase appreciably as temperature rose up to 4° or 5° C.; but at higher temperatures a In the decade 1890-1900 the value of the products of Birmingham's manufactories increased 78.9% from $7,064,248 to $12,581,066; in 1900 establishments under the "factory system" produced goods valued at $8,599,418, in 1905 at $7,592,958, a Haute-Sa In most departments the principal cause of If it blows horizontally over the open end of a vertical tube it causes a The output nf stone from quarries is greatly diminished (from 12,500,000 tons, worth 1/21,920,000, in 1890, to 8,000,000 tons, worth 1/2f 400,000, in 1899), a circumstance probably attributable to the slackening of building enterprise in many cities, and to the This upheaval - the consequences of which have been felt even within the historic period, by the drainage of the formerly impracticable marshes of Novgorod and at the head of the Gulf of Finland - together with the destruction of forests (which must be considered, however, as a quite subordinate cause), contributes towards a Hexachlorethane is trimorphous, forming rhombic, triclinic and cubic crystals; the successive changes occur at about 44° and 71°, and are attended by a Two antagonistic processes proceed simultaneously, the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and the reverse change, and either process is accelerated by an increase and retarded by a The error of ruling giving rise to a is one in which the intervals increase or At present the rate of increase is about 22 per too°, but it is due to immigration, as the birth rate was actually below the death rate down to 1903, since when there has been a slight increase of the former and a Rutile assumes tetragonal forms isomorphous with cassiterite, SnO 2 (and also zircon, ZrSiO 4); anatase is also tetragonal, and brookite or thorhombic.

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use decrease in a sentence as noun