maiden castle facts ks2

KS2 pupils work as history detective Time Teams to solve the Iron Age murder mystery. The Romans established the town of Dorchester (Durnovaria) to the north-east as the regional capital of the Durotriges.In the late 4th century, however, a temple complex was built on the hill. It is situated just 2 miles south of Dorchester in Dorset. These had central hearths, large pits for storing grain and were often circled by drainage gullies. The fictional narratives place the Iron Age hillfort centre stage as a focal point which connects time, place and imagination and asks us to consider how we experience the history of the landscape. While most of the hillforts in Wessex went out of use during the later Iron Age, Maiden Castle was still occupied at the time of the Roman conquest in AD 43. Such funerary rituals do not suggest hastily dug graves after a single battle, but a cemetery that was used to bury soldiers and other people over a period of time.The battle-scarred warriors may have been injured defending Maiden Castle from the Romans, but it is equally likely that they had been involved in local skirmishes.Within a few decades of the arrival of the Romans, the hillfort was abandoned. Excavations have discovered a complex sequence of occupation, beginning over 6,000 years ago.In the early Neolithic period, the hilltop was cleared of woodland and an oval enclosure of two segmented ditches was built on the eastern plateau. Nearly 550 metres long, this extraordinary ‘bank barrow’ can only just be seen today. The human activity in the area … ‘Maiden’ derives from the Celtic ‘Mai Dun’ which means ‘great hill’. Throughout this period, extra ramparts were added and the inner rampart was heightened. To improve security and online experience, please use a different browser or This causewayed enclosure, so-called because of the gaps between the ditches, was one of the earliest types of monuments in Britain.Finds from excavations suggest that the enclosure was a symbolic space where people gathered to carry out specialised activities such as flint axe production.Shortly after this enclosure went out of use, a long mound was constructed, flanked by two ditches. Excavations in the 1930s and 1980s have shed much light on the development of the hilltop, from its origins as a Neolithic enclosure over 6,000 years ago, through many centuries of modification during the Iron Age, to the building of a Romano-British temple here.The impressive Iron Age hillfort of Maiden Castle was not the first monument on the hilltop. Maiden Castle is one of the largest and most complex Iron Age hillforts in Britain. The hill site was used to grow crops during the Bronze Age in 1800 BC before it was neglected. The abandoned hillfort provided an ideal setting for this new pagan religion.The text on this page is derived from interpretation panels at the site. They are given just the briefest of background information before being let loose on the evidence which is presented to them in a dossier to simulate a modern detective case. At this time, a fusion of native British and classical Roman religion was becoming popular, and it is common to find shrines located in remote rural locations. Maiden Castle is one of the largest and most complex Iron Age hillforts in Britain. You are using an old version of Internet Explorer. A modern day worker makes a replica of a Stone Age arrow, showing us how skilled Stone Age people were in their use of flint.Archaeologist Raksha Dave explores Maiden Castle – the biggest Iron Age Hill Fort in Britain.We find out how it was built - with a succession of steeply-rising ramparts and ditches - and about the weapons they used to defend the entrance. We discover what Iron Age people used for money, as well as the crops they grew and the animals they kept. Maiden Castle is a hillfort in Devon, England. Only a small proportion of the individuals had actually died of violent injuries.The people had been carefully buried with grave goods – not only personal ornaments such as beads, brooches and rings, but also pottery and joints of meat.
Its vast multiple ramparts enclose an area the size of 50 football pitches, and the site was home to several hundred people in the Iron Age (800 BC–AD 43). The location of Maiden Castle is on a hill of Dorset, England. At this time, there was increasing trade with the continent, and specialised industries such as metal-working were becoming very important.In the 1930s, excavations by Sir Mortimer Wheeler and Wheeler believed this was a war cemetery, evidence for a Roman attack on the hillfort following their invasion of Britain in AD 43. There were also wooden pallisades Dunadd hill fort near Kilmartin, in Scotland. Various finds from the site show that activities such as textile production and metalworking were taking place here.In the middle Iron Age, the layout of the interior of the hillfort was reorganised. The 2nd Legion Augusta, under their leader Vespasian, is indeed known to have led a campaign through this part of southern England.In the 70 years since Wheeler’s excavations, however, ideas about the cemetery have changed.

Maiden Castle is a famous building dated back during the Iron Age. This reorganisation suggests some control existed over social life within the fort.Later in the Iron Age, this organised system broke down, and the focus of the settlement became once again the eastern end of the hillfort. It may not display all the features of this and other websites. Maiden Castle is the largest Iron Age hill fort in Europe and covers an area of 47 acres.

Perhaps the most surprising thing is the amount of effort they went to in order to remain safe from their enemies.Could be used to explore Iron Age life by asking the question, ‘Why did this tribe take so much trouble to make Maiden Castle so secure?’Could also be used to compare and contrast life between the Stone Age and the Iron Age – what has changed and what has stayed the same?Children could use toy building tools to construct their own fort defenses using Iron Age techniques.This clip will be relevant for teaching History at KS2 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 2nd Level in Scotland.
At the time, the ditches were deeper than they are now. This barrow possibly represented the ancestors of the community, and may have acted as a marker or boundary in the landscape.After a period of reduced activity, the first hillfort was constructed in the early Iron Age.

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maiden castle facts ks2